BS7H – 2007 DX远征黄岩岛 / BS7H – 2007 DXpedition to Scarborough Reef

Paul Pescitelli, K4UJ und Tom Harrell, N4XP

(Edited for GDXF by Prof. Dr. Uwe Jaeger, DJ9HX)



译者:BA4QFU, 上海业余无线电436群


        – 73 BA4QFU ( 2024528





45,820 QSO’s, chased by a Chinese fishing vessel, seasickness in the night, dynamite blasts, long days in the sun followed by great camaraderie, the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY all in the span of 5 minutes at times, what an experience this was!



The 2007 effort to activate Scarborough Reef was born in 2002 by Paul Pai BV4FH and San Hutson K5YY while in the midst of an operation from Pratas Island. During the period 2002 to 2004 signs of possible approval were repeatedly received but never materialized. BV4FH was able to get Chen Ping BA1HAM involved as the President of the Chinese Radio Sport Association and as the operation’s point of contact with the Chinese government. Luckily the government never said “no”, they just said maybe at a later date.

2007年重启黄岩岛活动其实起源于2002年,由白健诚(Paul Pai)BV4FH和桑·胡森(San Hutson)K5YY 在普拉塔斯岛执行任务时发起。在2002年至2004年间,他们多次收到可能获批的迹象,但一直未能正式落实。后来BV4FH 找到陈平 BA1HAM 以中国无线电运动协会(CRSA, Chinese Radio Sport Association)主席的身份参与进来,并作为这次行动与中国政府的联络人。幸运的是,中国政府从来没有说过 “不”,他们只是说也许以后再说。


It wasn’t until early 2005 when BA1HAM advised BV4FH the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was now involved and permission might be given for a date in October. BV4FH and K5YY decided to initiate more in depth planning and other preparations and asked Tom Harrell N4XP, a veteran of many DXpeditions to join the “team”. Bob Vallio W6RGG (veteran of the 1997 BS7H team) and James Brooks, 9V1YC (another well known DXer) were next to be brought in along with Don Greenbaum, N1DG (another experienced DXer, webmaster and pilot). So far the team had two operators with previous on site experience, backed by a support team with fundraising, logistics, and IT experience.

直到 2005 年初,BA1HAM 告知 BV4FH,中国外交部现已介入,可能会批准在10月份的某天进行。BV4FH 和 K5YY 决定启动更深入的计划和其他准备工作,并邀请拥有多次远征经验的老手汤姆·哈雷尔(Tom Harrell)N4XP加入“团队”。接下来,鲍勃·瓦利奥(Bob Vallio)W6RGG(1997 年 BS7H 小组的资深成员)和詹姆斯·布鲁克斯(James Brooks)9V1YC(另一位著名的DX高手),以及唐·格林鲍姆( Don Greenbaum)N1DG(另一位经验丰富的DX高手、同时是网站管理员和飞行员)也加入进来。至此,该团队有了两名具有现场经验的操作员,以及具有筹款、后勤和IT经验的支持团队。


It was during this time period major sponsors were approached and support was lined up for radios, amplifiers, and antennas; ICOM would provide radios, Stepper would send verticals, Acom loaned its 1010 amplifiers, Butternut added low band antennas and Heil donated the headsets.

The next step was to add more operators: Mike Mraz, N6MZ, Joe Blackwell, AA4NN, Max Mucci I8NHJ, Paul Pescitelli, K4UJ and Tom Berson, ND2T had joined the team. As time went on the CRSA added to the team the following: BA4RF, BA1RB, BA4RC, BA1AAX, and DL3MBG. Chin-Ta Ko, BV6HJ, a construction engineer by trade, was also added to build and maintain the platforms designed by Johnson Wong BV4DP as well as keep all facilities running and operating properly. Later, Mike McGirr, K9AJ, joined the team as our onsite doctor.

在此期间,也与主要赞助商进行了接触,并在电台、功放和天线方面获得了支持;ICOM 将提供电台,Stepper 将提供天线(verticals),Acom会出借1010功放,Butternut又提供了低频段天线,Heil 捐赠了耳机。

下一步是增加更多的操作员:迈克·莫拉兹(Mike Mraz)N6MZ、乔·布莱克威尔(Joe Blackwell) AA4NN、马克斯·穆奇(Max Mucci)I8NHJ、保罗·佩斯基泰利(Paul Pescitelli)K4UJ和汤姆·贝尔森(Tom Berson)ND2T加入了团队。随着时间的推移,CRSA(中国无线电运动协会)又将以下人员纳入: BA4RF、BA1RB、BA4RC、BA1AAX和DL3MBG。柯志达(Chin-Ta Ko) BV6H也加入了团队,他是一名建筑工程师,负责建造和维护由翁培舫(Johnson Wong) BV4DP 设计的平台,以及保障所有设施的正常运行。后来,迈克·麦吉尔(Mike McGirr)K9AJ也加入了团队,成为我们的现场医生。


However, 2005 would end without the promised approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and we moved into 2006. 2006 became 2007 but we kept applying and never gave up hope.

然而,2005 年结束时,我们还没有得到外交部承诺的批准,于是等到2006年。从2006年又等到了2007年,但我们一直在持续申请,从未放弃希望。


Finally, late in the evening on February 3rd while N4XP was talking to BV4FH on Skype, BV4FH received an Email from BA1HAM telling him the Ministry had finally given permission for a spring operation. At that very moment there were no words to describe the feelings both experienced as they both realized that was only ninety days away.

The team was notified and all the previous planning and preparation kicked into high gear. Transportation needed to be arranged, equipment from the sponsors needed to be shipped and a fund raising effort had to commence.




At this point it was also decided to establish contact with the Philippine DX community and the Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA). On February 8th the first official announcement was made announcing the DXpedition with a date of late April depending on transportation arrangements and weather. Needless to say the DX world was excited…..

此时,还决定与菲律宾DX社区和菲律宾业余无线电协会(PARA,Philippine Amateur Radio Association )建立联系。2月8日,第一份正式公告发布,宣布DX远征的日期为4月下旬,具体取决于交通运输安排和天气情况。不用说,DX世界兴奋不已…..

Scarborough Reef — Lat. 15°07’N, 117°45’E / 黄岩岛 — 北纬 15°07’,东经 117°45′


Many actions started to kick into high gear. 9V1YC started a search for transportation; N4XP initiated a major fund raising effort while N1DG activated the BS7H website.



By the middle of March 9V1YC had traveled to Hong Kong and secured transportation, a working vessel some 75 feet in length named “Deep Blue” with all the resources the team needed. More importantly Deep Blue had traveled to Scarborough Reef many times and was familiar with the uniqueness of the area.


The “Deep Blue” /  “深蓝”号


As April approached a major roadblock appeared that could have scuttled the entire operation right then and there. Despite friendly and productive talks with PARA (DU9RG, DU1JMG, DU2JAK and DU1EV) word was received the DXpedition would meet the same fate as the 1997 Dxpedition.

The operation needed help from someone who knew all parties involved including those in China and the Philippines. Enter Martti Laine OH2BH. Clearly, at this point the future of the DXpedition was in question, but like a determined solder Martti worked the telephones, Email and Skype around the clock over the next week was able to overcome all expressed concerns and the DXpedition was back on track.

In doing so not only was the fire put out but the team gained another experienced operator, especially one with BS7H experience. Special thanks from the team go to those key players in the Philippines Amateur Radio Association as well as Tim N4GN for his assistance.

Major support was received from NCDXF, INDEXA, ARRL Colvin Award, The Carolina DX Association and the German DX Foundation. Hundreds of individuals donated funds showing the huge demand for BS7.

In late March, N4XP, AA4NN and K4UJ would spend part of the weekend assembling and testing the equipment at the QTH of W6XA. The second week of April N4XP and K4UJ carried the equipment to the freight forwarder to be crated at the Atlanta airport in preparation for shipment to Hong Kong. The team assembled in Hong Kong the weekend of April 21 to find that all the equipment had arrived safely and was already loaded on the Deep Blue by 9V1YC, VR2BG and N6MZ.

随着四月的临近,出现了一个重大的障碍,可能会使整个行动前功尽弃。尽管与PARA(DU9RG、DU1JMG、DU2JAK和DU1EV,PARA菲律宾业余无线电协会Philippine Amateur Radio Association)进行了友好而富有成效的会谈,但收到的消息是此次DX远征(DXpedition)将遭遇与1997年DX远征相同的命运。

这次行动需要认识所有相关方(包括中国和菲律宾)的人提供帮助。马尔蒂·莱恩(Martti Laine) OH2BH 出现了。显然,此时DX远征前途未卜,但是 Martti 就像一个坚定的焊工,在接下来的一周里,通过电话、电子邮件和Skype日以继夜地工作,终于克服了所有已提出的顾虑,DX远征重回正轨。

如此一来,不仅扫除了障碍,团队还多了一位经验丰富的操作员,尤其是一位拥有BS7H经验的操作员。因此团队特别感谢菲律宾业余无线电协会的主要成员以及蒂姆(Tim) N4GN的协助。

主要支持来自NCDXF、INDEXA、ARRL科尔文奖(Colvin Award)、卡罗来纳州DX协会和德国DX基金,业已收到。同时数以百计的个人捐款也显示了对BS7的巨大需求。

三月下旬,N4XP、AA4NN和K4UJ将利用周末的部分时间在W6XA的设台地(QTH)组装和测试设备。四月的第二个星期,N4XP和K4UJ将设备运到亚特兰大机场的货运代理处装箱,准备运往香港。4月21日的那个周末,队员们在香港集合,届时所有设备都已安全抵达,并已由9V1YC、VR2BG和N6MZ装上 “深蓝 ”号。


Our initial plan was to depart as soon as possible, but suffered several delays and potential cancellations due to additional political hurdles (The BAD), the management team worked diligently to overcome those and was able to set sail on April 25th at 0600Z.

我们最初的计划是尽快启程,但由于额外的政治障碍(“坏的”一面“The BAD”),我们遭遇了数次延误甚至可能行动落空,管理团队最终努力克服了这些困难,得以于4月25日0600Z启航。


During the 3 day trip we experienced some rough seas so Captain Desmond would carefully play “mom” of the ship coaching everyone through the day. At each meal time Desmond would slow the boat and change course to lessen the sway of the boat so we were all comfortable to eat, then back to full steam ahead.

April 26th at 0800Z we were intercepted by a Chinese fishing vessel, apparently we had charted a course right through the middle of their fishing territory, after a slight change in course we were back on track for the reef.

在为期3天的旅程中,我们经历了一些风浪,因此戴斯蒙德船长(Captain Desmond)小心翼翼地扮演着船上的“妈妈”,指导大家度过每一天。每次用餐时,戴斯蒙德都会放慢船速,改变航向,以减少船的摇晃,让大家都能舒适地用餐,然后再继续全力航行。


On track for the reef. / 前往礁岩


Sleeping on the boat was a challenge due to the constant rocking side to side as well as fore to aft, fall too deep into sleep and you may roll out of your bunk! Then when everyone finally fell asleep we were quickly awaken to sea sick team mates in the middle of the night with dueling barf buckets sliding around the sleeping quarters (The UGLY).

在船上睡觉是一项挑战,因为前后左右不断摇晃,睡得太沉可能会滚出床铺!当大家终于入睡后,我们很快又被半夜里晕船的队友吵醒,他们的呕吐物桶在睡房里滑来滑去(“丑陋”一面,“The UGLY”)。

Inside the reef  / 黄岩岛礁岩


We finally arrived at the north side of the reef just before sunset on April 28th; our first sign of arrival was that of a Philippine outrigger trolling around the reef. It was a very surreal scene to be traveling along the open sea and BOOM out of nowhere is hundreds of tiny rocks sticking out of the water. Adrenaline was flowing in the whole team, and now we are supposed to sleep and wait for morning, yeah right.

4月28日,我们终于在日落前到达了珊瑚礁的北侧;我们意识到已经到达的第一个标志是一艘菲律宾支桅帆船在珊瑚礁周围拖曳。在开阔的海面上行驶,突然 “嘭 ”的一声,几百块小石头伸出水面,这真是一个非常不真实的场景。整个团队的肾上腺素都在飙升,此时,我们应该睡觉,等待天亮,是的,没错。


The conflict of adrenaline and peacefulness of the calm reef staring at us made for some strange emotions, kind of like one of those times that you might should be scared but feel really comfortable at the same time (The GOOD).

The next morning, we continued toward the southern tip of the reef to locate the entrance so we could seek haven from any rough seas that may linger during the operation.

Upon arrival we witnessed a new way to fish, DYNAMITE! We observed a huge splash near one of the fishing boats and could only surmise that they were using an explosive device to shock the fish before scooping them up (The UGLY).

内在肾上腺素的激动相对眼前礁石的平静,让我们产生了一些奇怪的情绪,有点像那种你本应该害怕,但同时又感觉非常舒服的感觉(“好的”一面,“The GOOD”)。


到达目的地后,我们目睹了一种新的捕鱼方式–“炸药捕鱼”!我们在一艘渔船附近看到了巨大的水花,只能猜测他们在捞鱼之前使用了一种爆炸装置来震晕鱼群(“丑陋”一面,“The UGLY”)。

Platform building team, last rock / 平台搭建团队,即将完工


Now the real work, both physical and mental begins. It was readily apparent the team was suffering from cultural differences and it would take immense amount of coordination and nurturing to keep things running smooth, James 9V1YC did an excellent job at managing the tasks at hand.


Woodrun / 运送木料


After spending most of the day scouting the rocks, gathering GPS coordinates and getting the first platform built (Rock #2) we would be pressed for time to get the first station on the air before night fall. In a mad rush several operators loaded what they could in the small boat (water taxi) and basically dumped the equipment and two operators AA4NN and I8NHJ onto the platform at dusk and wished them luck! Struggling through darkness and a myriad of small technical hurdles they were able to get the first station on the air.


Rock 2 at high tide / 涨潮时的 2 号礁石上


April 30th, began with BV6HJ finishing the platform for Rock #4 and several hours later DL3MBG and K4UJ, began assembling the equipment and we put that station on the air on 15M for several hours until regular shift operation to take over.


OH2BH and BA4RF at Rock 3 at high tide / OH2BH 和 BA4RF 在涨潮时的3号礁石上




A word about operating shifts on the reef. Due to the time of the year, high tide and low tide changed quickly and also changed by as much at 25 minutes each day. The morning shift started about 1 hour past sunrise and lasted till shortly after lunch time (5-6 hrs), then the afternoon shift would begin and last until just before sunset, then the long shift began.

The graveyard shift would be on the rock for 12-13 hours as it was unsafe due to limited visibility and low tide to change operators in the middle of the night. Needless to say, the operators that were on the night shift were really worn out when the boat arrived the next morning.



W6RG at rock 4 / W6RG 在 4 号礁石上


The day began about 5:30am with the morning shower and breakfast. It was breakfast that was the surprise meal of the day, our cook “Little Sister” would make up a big batch of fried eggs, and most mornings we had beans and franks also, yum, comfort food in the middle of the South China Sea, with some instant coffee we all felt great after breakfast and ready to either do our time on the day shift, or tend to the chores that needed to be done. By 7am each morning the water taxi would start its rounds to each rock by dropping off a fresh operator and returning the tired operator to the “mother ship”. This process repeated itself 3 times a day, morning, mid day and late afternoon.

清晨 5:30 左右,我们冲个澡,吃早餐,然后开始一天的工作。早餐是一天中最让人惊喜的一餐,我们的厨师 “小妹 ”会做一大堆煎鸡蛋,多数情况下我们还能吃到豆子和法兰克福香肠。好吃,舒适的早餐,配上一些速溶咖啡,让我们都感觉良好,以最佳的状态去值白班,或者做其他该做的事情。

每天早上 7 点,水上出租车开始巡视每块岩石,送来一名新的操作员,再把已经疲惫不堪的操作员送回 “母船”。这个过程每天重复 3 次,上午、中午和傍晚。

OH2BH Martti takes a nap / OH2BH马蒂在小憩


For the long night time shift one person was designated to stay up all night on the Deep Blue and monitor the HF activity to ensure all stations we operational.

As well this person would monitor the 2M base station in case someone needed assistance with a setting on the radio. BA1HAM took this shift many nights which allowed the other operators to get some much needed rest.



ND2T at rock1 / ND2T在1号礁石上



May 1 quickly turned into a the day of reckoning (the BAD). This day quickly reached a point where every aspect of setting up and becoming operational became a major roadblock with the limits of each operator stretched.

5月1日很快就变成了清算日(“坏的”一面,“The BAD”)。这一天,很快就到了从设置到正常运行的每一个环节都变得困难重重的地步,操作员们的极限也都被进一步拓展了。

9V1YC enjoying the pile up / 9V1YC在享受着成堆工作的乐趣


As events unfolded, 9V1YC in an effort to move things along turned to DL3MBG and K4UJ and asked “Can you two have that rock on the air in less than 2 hours?” Emphatically both answered YES and they were off! They quickly launched the water taxi with the radio, antenna, amplifier and gas for the generator and within two hours the station had been assembled and they were putting stations in the log on 15M.

There were now two stations on the air and the efforts to make rock #1 operational were underway. Before it was over, this day would truly become the teams most difficult day mentally thus far (The Ugly).

随着事态的发展,9V1YC 为了推进工作,转头问 DL3MBG 和 K4UJ:”你们俩能在 2 小时内在这块礁石上开机上线吗?两人断然的回答 “能”,转头就出发了!他们带着电台、天线、功放和发电机用的汽油,迅速乘坐水上出租车出发了。不到两个小时,电台组装完毕,他们便开始在 15米波段上呼叫和记录了。

现在已经有两个电台开始广播,1 号礁石电台的工作也在进行中。在结束之前,这一天将真正成为队员们迄今为止心理上最困难的一天(“丑陋”的一面,“The Ugly”)。



Phillippine fisherman visiting OH2BH on Rock #2. / 菲律宾渔民访问 2 号礁石上的 OH2BH


Whenever you find yourself in unfamiliar territory there is always a chance for something to go wrong. One afternoon while waiting for shift change, the “help desk” received a call on the 2M radio from OH2BH. Two local fishermen had boarded his platform and he could not communicate with them. In a mad dash 9V1YC and K4UJ along with the boat Captain and his first mate would hurriedly race to Rock #2 to scout the situation.

每当你发现自己身处陌生的领域时,总会有可能出错。一天下午,在等待换班时,“服务台 ”接到了 OH2BH在2米波段上的呼叫。两名当地渔民登上了他的平台,但他无法与他们沟通。9V1YC 和 K4UJ 加上船长和他的大副火速赶往 2 号礁石查看情况。

“Little Sister” / “小妹


After several minutes of attempting to communicate with the fishermen one of them jumped in the lagoon and speared an eel and offered it to us. We could only assume they were trying to barter for gasoline, a much needed resource on Scarborough Reef.


Provisioning the platform / 给各平台运送补给


It was then that they finally left, only they decided to board the Deep Blue (The BAD). Standing firm at the top of the deck was N6MZ and by his side was our cook, “Little Sister” hiding her meat cleaver by her side. Those fishermen were not going to board the boat and she was there to make sure of it!

就在这时,他们终于离开了平台,不过他们只是决定过去登上深蓝号(“坏的”一面,“The BAD”)。坚守在甲板上的是 N6MZ,在他身边的是我们的厨师 “小妹”,她把切肉刀藏在身边。她要确保那些渔民不会登船!



As with most major DXpeditions there is the question of why did you do that? Why didn’t you do this? Well Scarborough Reef is no different. Did we work a lot of JA’s, yep sure did, they were right in our back yard, besides who else you going to work in the middle of the afternoon when the rest of the band is dead?

与大多数重大的 DX远征(DXpeditions) 一样,人们会问为什么要做那个?而不是做这个?黄岩岛也不例外。我们是否做了很多的 JA?是的!当然做了,他们就在我们的后院里呢,要不要去看看?此外,当半下午频段寂静的时候,你又去找谁通联呢?!

K4UJ at rock2 / K4UJ在号礁石上


The night shift operators had the best of times and the worst of times. Remember their shift was often 13 hours long where they would sit lonely on a rock handing out Q’s to the deserving, attempting to make the best of each propagation opening, fighting fatigue and often lonely with only the company of a genera-tor. True isolation, it was scary, surreal and exciting all at the same time.

夜班操作员有最好的时光,也有最坏的时光。别忘了他们的轮班时间往往长达 13 个小时,他们得孤独地坐在岩石上,向那些耐心等待的、值得通联的人一一通联(Q’s),他们充分利用每次传播的机会,与疲劳作斗争,而往往只有发电机陪伴着他们。真正的与世隔绝,让人感到恐惧、不真实、而同时又兴奋。



For this expedition our main goal was SAFETY. Second to that was the obvious make some Q’s and have some fun. This activation of Scarborough Reef was the first operation to activate RTTY, 30M, 80M, 160M, first HF Yagi and the first operation to activate 4 rocks simultaneously. Our QSO count of 45,820 almost doubled all previous operations put together.

这次探险的主要目标是安全。其次,当然是做一些通联(Q’s),找一些乐趣。这次激活黄岩岛活动,是第一次激活 RTTY模式、30米、80米、160米波段,第一次使用短波八木天线,并且也是第一次同时启用4 块礁石通联。我们的 QSO 数量达到 了45,820 次,几乎是之前几次行动之和的两倍。

Team on a rock / 礁石上的团队


In addition, the method of fundraising by using PayPal, and online web donations made it easy for amateur operators worldwide to contribute financial support to the operation and see their donations listed on the website in near real time.

此外,使用 PayPal 和在线网络捐款的筹款方法使世界各地的业余无线电爱好者能够轻松地为活动提供资金支持,并在网站上近乎实时地看到他们的捐款清单。

What you really need / 您其实需要的是


There were those that had their doubts about being able to activate one of the most politically sensitive DXCC entities, but in the end we were able to raise the bar once again and announced at HamCom in Dallas that all individuals that contributed would be first to get their Logbook of the World credits for BS7, this was our way of saying “Thank You” to all those that provided support.

有些人对能否启动一个政治上最敏感的 DXCC 实体心存疑虑,但最终我们还是再次拔高了标准,并在达拉斯的 HamCom 上宣布,所有捐款者都将首先获得 BS7 的世界日志积分,这就是我们对所有提供支持者说 “谢谢 ”的方式。


The entire team extends our most sincere thanks to those around the world who worked diligently behind the scenes, and to our equipment sponsors, without your assistance this trip would have been impossible.



Some statistics / 统计数据

























































Sunrise at the reef / 礁石上的日出





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