本翻译仅旨在帮助中文用户了解Sensor Watch项目,非广告。如需购买,请前往:CrowdSupply网站Sensor Watch项目网页。
www.peterguo.net 2022年5月3日
Hey y’all! It’s been a minute, I know. The weeks have been full of activity: filling out the paperwork and purchasing of all the parts for the big run of Sensor Watch boards, as well as the final sprint to get those first 89 Limited Edition boards out to backers. That included things like assembling and testing the 89 temperature sensor boards, flashing the final version of the Movement firmware, and so much printing and packing.
嘿,你们好! 我知道,已经过了一段时间了。这几周真是马不停蹄:为准备大批量生产Sensor Watch,跑前跑后处理文书工作和购买所有零器件。以及最后的冲刺工作,以把第一批89个限量版的板子完成并投送给认购支持者。这包括组装和测试89块温度传感器电路板,更新最新版本的机芯(Movement)固件,以及大量的印刷和包装。
As of today though, I’m thrilled to share that those first 89 boards are on the way to Mouser! Once they’re received there tomorrow, it’ll be another two to three weeks before they ship out to the Limited Edition backers. If you backed Sensor Watch at the Limited Edition level, now would be a good time to double check your shipping address to make sure it goes to the right place. You can check your order details in your Crowd Supply Account or contact Crowd Supply Support, if needed.
不过,今天,我很高兴地与大家分享,这第一批89块板子正在运往Mouser的路上!一旦他们明天收到这些板子,再过两到三周,这些电路板就会被运送到限量版认购支持者手中。如果你是在限量版额度上认购支持Sensor Watch的话,现在请尽快仔细检查你的投送地址,以确保它被送到正确的地方。你可以在你的Crowd Supply账户中检查你的订单细节,如果需要的话,也可以联系Crowd Supply支持。
That’s the good news: limited edition boards shipping right on time.
Now, the bad news: almost the moment the campaign ended, the ship date for our microcontroller, the SAM L22, slipped from June of 2022 to March of 2023. This is tough, and it’s something that we feared enough that we put it front and center in the “Risks & Challenges” section of the campaign. Sensor Watch was designed around the unique capabilities of the SAM L22 microcontroller, and the unfortunate fact is there’s no drop-in alternative for it at this point.
不过,坏消息是:几乎在众筹活动结束的那一刻,我们的微控制器SAM L22的发货日期从2022年6月推迟到了2023年3月。这很难搞,活动开始前我们就很担心,所以我们把它放在活动的 "风险和挑战 "中反复强调。Sensor Watch是围绕着SAM L22微控制器的独特功能而专门设计的,而且不幸的事实是,目前还没有可以替代它的产品。
We originally estimated a September delivery date for Sensor Watch. That was based on having all parts on hand by the end of June, and manufacturing and fulfilling this summer. If we can’t get chips until March of next year — and current estimates are late March — it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to ship Sensor Watch boards to backers until May of 2023 at the earliest.
我们最初估计Sensor Watch的交付日期为9月。那是基于在6月底之前拥有所有器件,并在今年夏天制造和履约发运。如果我们到明年3月份都无法获得芯片(目前的估计是3月底),那么我们到2023年5月都不一定能向支持者运送Sensor Watch电路板。
This is not the news I had hoped to share today. I did everything in my power to try to find a way around it, including reaching out to the chipmaker directly (to see if they might have some squirreled away). The sad reality is that the chips don’t exist right now, and we’re waiting in line for ours to be made just like everyone else. Still, I hope you’ll stick with us as we do our best to make these boards as soon as humanly possible.
Despite the snag we’ve hit in sourcing our microcontrollers, exciting things are happening with Sensor Watch! On Wednesday at TU Delft, Sensor Watch was front and center at a workshop on building minimal physical interfaces:
尽管我们在采购微控制器方面遇到了障碍,但在Sensor Watch这里还是发生了令人振奋的事情! 周三在代尔夫特理工大学,Sensor Watch在一个关于构建最小物理接口的研讨会上可是主要角色。
I worked with George Cave (Interaction Magic) to fit three Sensor Watch prototypes with a UART accessory board, which allowed them to be controlled over Bluetooth. Over the course of the day, students imagined new use cases for the humble Casio wristwatch, and used Sensor Watch to prototype them on the wrist!
我与George Cave(Interaction Magic)合作,为三个Sensor Watch原型安装了一个UART附件板,这使得它们可以通过蓝牙来控制。在这一天的课程里里,学生们为这小小的卡西欧手表设想了新的使用案例,并使用Sensor Watch制作了原型上手试戴!
George also designed a Casio Watch Prototyper that allows you to mock up interactions and play with them right in your browser. This is different from the Sensor Watch Emulator, which runs code as it would run on the watch. Instead, the Prototyper allows you to draw and animate screens of content to create an app purely from imagination. It’s an incredibly fun tool, and it’s helped me to think through watch faces that I want to build for Sensor Watch in the future!
乔治还设计了一个卡西欧手表原型设计师(Prototyper),允许你在浏览器中与之模拟互动。这与Sensor Watch模拟仿真器不同,后者是模拟代码在手表上运行。然而,原型设计师(Prototyper)允许你绘制和模拟屏幕动画内容,用来纯粹基于想象力而创建应用程序(app)。这是一个非常有趣的工具,它对我未来思考为Sensor Watch设计表盘大有裨益。
Speaking of the emulator: even without hardware in hand, folks have been using the Sensor Watch Emulator to get a head start on building the software that they want to wear. There’s one Sensor Watch app in particular, by Taylor Ertrachter, that I absolutely had to mention in this update: Wordle for the Sensor Watch!
说到仿真模拟器:即使没有硬件在手,人们也一直在使用Sensor Watch仿真模拟器,以便在构建他们想要佩戴的表盘软件上快人一步。特别是Taylor Ertrachter的一个Sensor Watch表盘应用程序,我绝对要在这次更新中提一提:Sensor Watch上的Wordle!
The UX for this is absolutely brilliant. You make your guess, and the wrong letters vanish. Of the letters that remain, flashing letters (like yellow letters in Wordle) are present in the word but not in the right place. Solid letters (like green letters) are correct and locked into place. The limited segments in the bottom row do somewhat limit the five-letter words that are available for guessing; still I’m just blown away by Taylor’s creativity in building this! One of the things that most excited me about Sensor Watch was the idea that folks would come up with things I never considered. Wordle on the watch fits squarely in that camp.
这个应用程序的用户体验绝对是精妙绝伦的。你做出猜测,错误的字母就会消失;在留下的字母中,闪烁显示的字母(如同Wordle中的黄色字母)存在于单词中,但不在正确的位置;实心显示的字母(如同绿色字母)是正确的,并被锁定在合适的位置。手表屏幕底部的有限段码确实在一定程度上限制了可供猜测的五个字母的单词数量;但我还是被泰勒(Taylor)在制作这个应用程序中的创造力所震惊了!Sensor Watch最让我兴奋的事情之一就是,人们总会想出一些我从未想过的东西。手表上的Wordle就完全属于这个阵营。
Finally, one last note on those 89 Limited Edition boards. While Sensor Watch is designed for you to program it with whatever software you want, I figured it would be nice for it to ship with some useful software preinstalled. That software is Movement, the community firmware for Sensor Watch, and last week I finished a build of Movement for the first 89 Sensor Watch boards. It includes some useful functionality, including a World Clock, a Sunrise/Sunset complication, another for Moon Phase and a watch face that displays the temperature. You can test out that firmware right now on the Sensor Watch Emulator. The page also includes an HTML version of the printed instructions that come with the boards. I imagine that by the time the green Sensor Watch boards are done, Movement will have changed and matured, but this build reflects the state of the project right now.
最后,关于这89块限量版电路板的最后一个说明。虽然Sensor Watch的设计意图是让你可以烧录任何你想要的软件,但我想如果它能预装一些有用的软件就再好不过了。这个软件就是Movement(“机芯”),是Sensor Watch的社区固件,上周我为第一批89块Sensor Watch电路板完成了Movement的构建。它包括一些有用的功能,包括世界时钟、日出/日落功能、另一个月相功能和一个显示温度的表盘。你现在就可以在Sensor Watch仿真模拟器上测试这个固件。该页面还包括一个HTML版本的印刷说明,这些说明将会随电路板一起发送。我大胆想象,当绿色版的Sensor Watch电路板完成时,Movement将发生变化并趋于成熟,但这个版本反映了项目现在的状态。
Thanks so much for your support, and I’m sorry if today’s news disappoints many of you. I desperately want to get these Sensor Watch boards built and in your hands as soon as I can, and I’ll update y’all immediately if there’s any motion on the ship date for the chips we need to make that happen.
非常感谢你们的支持,如果今天的消息让你们中的许多人失望,我感到很抱歉。我迫切希望尽快完成这些Sensor Watch电路板的制作并交付给你们,如果我们所需的关键芯片发货日期有任何进展,我将立即告知你们。
- Joey 乔伊
2022年5月3日:首次翻译,基于Sensor Watch发布于2022年4月7日的第8次项目更新,发布于www.peterguo.net/sensorwatch/updates/8,中英混编方便需要看原文的同学。