本翻译仅旨在帮助中文用户了解Sensor Watch项目,非广告。如需购买,请前往:CrowdSupply网站Sensor Watch项目网页

www.peterguo.net 2023年03月05日

Sensor Watch

A hackable ARM Cortex M0+ upgrade for a classic Casio wristwatch

一款可黑改经典卡西欧腕表的 ARM Cortex M0+ 电路板



All Boards Shipping, Lessons Learned, and a Fork in the Road for Sensor Watch

全部电路板发货ing,经验教训总结,以及Sensor Watch未来之路

-- Joey Castillo 乔伊·卡斯蒂略

First off, the big news: as you read this email, ALL Sensor Watch boards have been fully tested, packed, shipped and delivered to Mouser Electronics, Crowd Supply’s fulfillment partner. Even as we speak they’re counting them out and processing them in preparation for final shipping to backers and preorder…ers, I guess. This is all by way if saying if you haven’t done so already, now would be a good time to double check your shipping address!

首先,重大新闻:当你读到这封邮件时,所有的Sensor Watch电路板已经全部测试完毕、打包好、并已经寄送给Mouser Electronics,它是Crowd Supply的交付合作方。我猜,就在我写这篇更新的时候,他们正在清点处理这些电路板,完成最后一步准备工作,以发送给支持者和预购者等。顺便提醒下,请尽快仔细检查你的送货地址如果你还没有做的话,现在还来得及!

There’s also a change to the stock firmware for these boards: since the temperature sensor was sold separately post-campaign, the stock firmware now comes with a stopwatch instead of a temperature watch face. If you bought a temperature sensor and want a temperature display, make sure to download a custom firmware that includes temperature features, and flash it onto your board before installing it.


I’m immensely grateful for your patience as we navigated this year of parts shortages. We planned to ship in October, and despite some delays and false starts, we got boards to nearly all backers in November. Now we’ll hopefully have all preorders fulfilled before winter draws to a close.


Sensor Watch was my first product built at any kind of scale, and building it during a historic parts shortage has definitely felt like playing the game on hard mode. Still, here at the end of it, we’ll have shipped nearly 3,000 objects to folks: 1,454 Sensor Watch boards and 1,454 temperature sensor boards. I’ve also learned a ton about what it takes to launch a product — and on that note, this post is going to dive into a couple of lessons learned. By the end, I’m going to set forth a road map for two new versions of Sensor Watch that I hope to make available next year.

Sensor Watch是我生平第一次制作一款产品,尤其是在空前绝后的元器件短缺期间制造它,绝对像是在玩困难模式的游戏。尽管如此,在众筹结束的时候,我们已经向人们发送了近3000件物品:1454块Sensor Watch电路板和1454块温度传感器电路板。我也学到了很多关于推出产品所需的知识--在这方面,这篇文章将深入探讨一些经验教训。在本文最后,我要为Sensor Watch制定一个路线图,以讨论我打算在明年推出的两个新版本。

But first: a battery life update.


Year-long battery life confirmed!


When Sensor Watch launched, the project page claimed a battery life of “1 Year (estimated)”. We can remove that “estimated” now: the first test watch with the old 2021 firmware crossed day 365 last month, with battery life to spare!

当Sensor Watch推出时,项目页面声称其电池寿命为 "1年(估计)"。我们现在可以去掉这个 "估计 "了:上个月,第一只使用旧的2021年固件的测试手表已经度过了第365天,并且电池寿命还有余量!

As I write this update, that gray watch is still going strong at day 395, running on that same coin cell I installed last November. This is especially great news because the NEW firmware, which shipped with every Sensor Watch dating to the first blue boards, is significantly more efficient than that old build was. 290 days into the test of the new firmware, the second test watch is still at 3.06 volts, which signals that Sensor Watch should last well over one year on a CR2016 coin cell.

在我写这篇更新的时候,那块灰色的手表已经395天了依然坚挺,使用的还是我去年(指2021年 - 译者注)11月份安装的那块纽扣电池。这是一个特别好的消息,因为新版的固件,即从第一块蓝色Sensor Watch电路板开始,都比旧版本的固件有 绝对更好 的运行能效。在对新固件进行测试的290天后,这第二块测试手表的电压仍然是3.06伏,这表明Sensor Watch在CR2016纽扣电池上的寿命应该远远超过一年。

Department of Lessons Learned


At this time last year, I had shipped perhaps a dozen Sensor Watch boards to early beta testers. As of today, we’ve shipped nearly 1,500 of them. That’s 1,500 boards manufactured by PCBWay, assembled by Cyber City Circuits, and tested, packed and shipped by me personally, plus 1,500 temperature sensor boards hand-assembled by yours truly.

去年(指2021年 - 译者注)的这个时候,我已经向早期的测试者发送了大约十几块Sensor Watch电路板。到今天为止,我们已经发送了近1500块。这1500块电路板是由PCBWay制造的,然后由Cyber City Circuits组装,并最终由我亲自测试、包装和发运,另外再加上1500块温度传感器电路板也是由“诚挚的”我亲手一一组装的。

Question: why did I do all that work myself?


Answer: I wanted to hit an affordable price point with Sensor Watch, so I asked my PCBA partner to quote me a price for assembling the Sensor Watch panels, and nothing more. It fell to me to depanel the boards, test them, flash them, pack them and ship them. It was slow going at first. With time, I streamlined a lot of it: built a tester for the buttons and the LCD, and a second one for the 9-pin connector. By the end I could take 300 boards from panels to individually bagged boards in a day.

答案是:我想要低到一个可承受的价格。我想让Sensor Watch低到一个可承受的价格点,所以我要求我的PCBA合作商给我一个组装Sensor Watch拼板的价格,不要他们做其他工序。我自己负责拆拼板、测试、刷固件、包装和发运。一开始流程做起来很慢,但是随着时间的推移,我简化了很多工作:为按钮和LCD建立一个测试器,为9针连接器建立第二个测试器。到最后,我可以在一天内把300块板子从未拆开的拼板做成一个个完工的电路板,并装袋待发运。

The problem is this: if shipping 3,000 watch and sensor boards takes two weeks out of my year, Sensor Watch is not sustainable. I need to be able to give all that work to someone else going forward, and that means I need to add their labor to the cost of the gadget. That means either raising the price, or figuring out how to streamline the design even further.

问题是:如果发送3000块Sensor Watch电路板和传感器板需要花费我一年中的两个星期,那么Sensor Watch项目就不可持续。我需要将来能够把所有这些工作交给别人来做,这就意味着我需要把他们的劳动力加入到成本中。这也意味着要么提高价格,要么想办法进一步精简设计。

So we’re doing both, in the form of two new versions of Sensor Watch planned for next year:

因此,我们正在做这两件事,计划在明年推出两个新版本的Sensor Watch:

I’m tentatively calling these two designs “Sensor Watch Lite” and “Sensor Watch Pro”.

我暂且称这两个设计为 "Sensor Watch Lite "和 "Sensor Watch Pro"。

Sensor Watch Lite

This version of Sensor Watch is the quickest way to get more watch boards manufactured and in people’s hands. It makes a handful of changes to ensure that the device is both more affordable to manufacture, and simpler to test:

这个版本的Sensor Watch是让更多的手表电路板以最快的方式被生产出来并送到人们手中。我把它做了一些改变,以确保它的制造成本更低,测试也更简单。

These changes should lower manufacturing costs and improve manufacturing yield. The hope is that this will allow us to keep a very similar price point to the original watch + temperature sensor combo, while delivering the same base features. This version will also be code-compatible with the original Sensor Watch, so you’d still be able to use any firmware built for the Sensor Watch “green boards”.

这些变化应该会降低制造成本,提高制造产量。希望这可以使我们既能提供相同的基本功能,又能保持与原来的Sensor Watch加温度传感器组合非常接近的价位。这个版本也将与原始的Sensor Watch代码兼容,所以你仍然能够使用为Sensor Watch “绿色版电路板 "构建的任何固件。

I think this design solves the 90% use case of “I want a Casio F-91W, but a little smarter”. If you just want the sunset and the moon phase on your wrist, this board gets you there. If you want more detailed alarms and a countdown timer, this board gets you there. If you want to log temperatures on camping trips, this board gets you there.

我认为这种设计解决了90%的使用情况,即 "我想要一个卡西欧F-91W,但更聪明一点"。如果你只想在手腕上看到日落和月相,这块板子可以满足你的要求;如果你想要更复杂的闹钟和倒计时器,这块板子可以满足你的要求;如果你想记录露营时的温度,这块板子可以满足你的要求。

Of course, the promise of Sensor Watch was that 9-pin connector, the idea that you could add other sensors for light or sound or motion. I’m not giving up on that. That’s just where Sensor Watch Pro comes in.

当然,Sensor Watch的前途是9针连接器,你可以籍此添加其他的光线、声音或运动传感器。我不会放弃这个想法,这就是Sensor Watch Pro的意义所在。

Sensor Watch Pro

The thinking: let’s accept that this version of the board is going to have to cost more to account for the the extra labor involved. Let’s use that as an opportunity to do more with it!


This version of Sensor Watch would probably come later in the year, and while I don’t have a final design for it, my hope is to be able to add a third color to the LED (RGB instead of RG). It’ll also have that 9-pin connector for additional sensor boards, some of which folks are already sharing in the Sensor Watch Discord.

这个版本的Sensor Watch可能会在明年(指2023年 -译者注)晚些时候推出,虽然我还没有最终的设计,但我希望能够在LED上添加第三种颜色(红绿蓝而不是红绿)。它还会有那个9针连接器,用于连接额外传感器电路板,不少人已经在Sensor Watch Discord讨论组中分享案例了。

To be clear: it will be a few months before these boards are available for sale. This first batch of Sensor Watch boards is likely to sell out by the end of the week, and I probably can’t get more chips until summer. But when that time comes, both PCBWay, Cyber City Circuits and I will be ready to get cracking on another production run.


State of the Movement


SO MUCH has happened with Sensor Watch since last I reached out. Nearly all backers have received their boards, and that means a bunch of folks have assembled theirs and begun contributing to Movement, the community firmware for Sensor Watch. That means new watch faces:

自从我上次更新之后,Sensor Watch发生了很多事情:几乎所有的众筹认购者都收到了电路板,这意味着很多人已经组装好了他们的电路板,并开始为机芯Movement(Sensor Watch的社区固件)作出贡献,这意味着更多新的表盘功能。

There are also a TON of bug fixes and quality of life improvements, nearly all of them the work of community members:


Curious how you can get in on this firmware development action? Join the movement at the Sensor Watch Discord community! Now that all the boards have shipped, I’m planning to spend my holidays reviewing a ton of community pull requests, which are set to bring new features like a week number face, a better stopwatch, new interval timers and even a calculator (!!) to the humble F-91W.

是不是很期待如何才能参与到固件开发行动中?请加入Sensor Watch Discord社区的活动吧! 现在所有的板子都已经发货了,我打算利用假期审核来自社区的大量合并请求,这些请求将为简陋的F-91W带来更新的功能,如周数表盘,更好的秒表,新的间隔计时器,甚至还有计算器!!

Again, I’m just blown away by the creativity that the Sensor Watch community has brought to this project. It’s exceeded my expectations in every way, and looking toward 2023, I’m stoked to be able to ship more hardware and keep the story going.

我再次被Sensor Watch社区为本项目带来的创造力所震惊。它在各方面都超出了我的预期,展望2023年,我很期望能够发送出更多的硬件,把这个故事继续下去。

Watch this space.


- Joey 乔伊

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Sensor Watch是 Microchip Get Launched设计竞赛的一部分!


2023年03月05日:首次翻译,基于Sensor Watch发布于2022年12月08日的第12次项目更新,发布于www.peterguo.net/sensorwatch/updates/12,中英混编方便需要看原文的同学。