本翻译仅旨在帮助中文用户了解Sensor Watch项目,非广告。如需购买,请前往:CrowdSupply网站Sensor Watch项目网页

www.peterguo.net 2022年10月9日

Sensor Watch

A hackable ARM Cortex M0+ upgrade for a classic Casio wristwatch

一款可黑改经典卡西欧腕表的 ARM Cortex M0+ 电路板


Green Boards Shipping, Battery Life Updates and Other News of the Watch


-- Joey Castillo 乔伊·卡斯蒂略

Hi all! Joey here.

大家好! 我是Joey。

Good news to report: the first batch of Sensor Watch boards are about to ship! Mouser now has 384 Sensor Watch boards and 384 temperature sensor boards on hand and ready to ship to the first backers. These boards will be shipping to backers over the next couple weeks.

有一个好消息要报告:第一批Sensor Watch电路板即将发货!Mouser公司现在有Sensor Watch电路板和温度传感器电路板各384块在手,并准备好向第一批认购支持者发货。这些板子将在未来几周内发运。

What’s more: as of this moment, all of our parts and panelized Sensor Watch circuit boards have been delivered to our PCBA partner, Cyber City Circuits in Augusta, Georgia, where they stand ready for final assembly.

更重要的是:截至此刻,我们所有的元器件和拼板Sensor Watch电路板已经交付给我们的PCBA合作伙伴,位于乔治亚州奥古斯塔的Cyber City Circuits,它们在那里进行最终组装。

The goal is to have 384 backer orders shipped out this month, and the remaining backer orders shipped out next month — which is all by way of saying that if you haven’t done so already, this would be a good time to check the shipping address for your order. You can do that over in your Crowd Supply account settings.

我们的目标是在本月完成384个认购支持者订单的发运,其余的订单在下个月发出--这也意味着,如果你想检查发运地址,这是最后的机会。你可以在你的Crowd Supply账户设置中完成这一操作。

Why the staggered shipping schedule? Well, the goal is to get as many orders as possible fulfilled as quickly as possible, rather than waiting for everything to be done and shipping all at once. To that end, in consultation with Crowd Supply, we’re planning the following shipping schedule:

为什么分批交付?嗯,我们的目标是尽快地完成尽可能多的订单,而不是等待所有的事情都完成,然后一次性发货。为此,在与Crowd Supply协商后,我们计划采用以下发运计划:

For the most part, these boards will go out on a first-come, first-served basis — that is to say, if you were in the first couple of hundred backers, you should for the most part expect your Sensor Watch board to come in this first batch. HOWEVER, a handful of situations could change this:

在大多数情况下,这些板子将以先到先得的方式发送--也就是说,如果你是前几百名支持者,你可以期待你的Sensor Watch电路板出现在这第一批中。然而,亦有少数例外:

All the more reason to double check your address now! If you have any other shipping or logistics related questions, you can reach out to Crowd Supply support here; or for any technical or project-oriented questions, you can grab me here.

所以现在更有理由仔细检查你的地址! 如果你有任何其他运输或物流相关的问题,你可以在这里联系Crowd Supply的支持;或者任何技术或项目问题,你可以在这里找我

Battery Test: 1,000 Hours Left


While the Sensor Watch campaign only launched in January of this year, it launched with an estimate of year-long battery life. Regular followers of these updates will recall that there’s been an ongoing battery life test going since last November — and as summer turns to fall, we’re closing in on that one year mark. We’ll hit that milestone at noon central on November 8, 2022: hour 8760. As I write this on day 323 of the battery test — hour 7760 — our coin cell from last November remains at 2.80 volts!

Sensor Watch众筹活动在今年1月才启动,在启动时我们预估其有一年的电池寿命。经常关注本项目更新的人应该记得,自去年11月以来,我们一直在进行电池寿命测试—随着夏去秋来,我们正在接近一年这一节点。我们将在2022年11月8日中午达到这个里程碑:8760小时。当我在电池测试的第323天--也就是第7760小时--写下这篇文章时,我们去年11月开测的纽扣电池仍然保持在2.80伏!

The SAM L22 at the heart of Sensor Watch can operate as low as 1.63 volts, so assuming the discharge profile (red line) remains close to our prediction (blue), this little gadget is on track to blow past the one year mark. What’s more, this November battery test was using an older, less power efficient firmware; the new, more efficient firmware (green line) is outperforming the old one in dramatic fashion.

Sensor Watch的核心器件SAM L22可以在低至1.63伏下运行,所以假如放电曲线(红线)仍然接近我们的预测(蓝线),这个小玩意有望突破一年大关。更重要的是,11月的电池测试使用的是旧的、低能效的固件;新的、更高效的固件(绿线)正在以戏剧性的方式超越旧固件。

How long can Sensor Watch last? Time will tell.

Sensor Watch电池持续多久?时间会告诉我们。

News of the Watch


We haven’t had a backer update in over two months, and there’s been a lot of progress on the Sensor Watch firmware since then:

我们已经有两个多月没有更新认购支持者信息了,但从那时起,Sensor Watch固件有了很大的进展:

In addition to all that, there’s a brand new Sensor Watch documentation portal at sensorwatch.net! Here you’ll find detailed instructions on how to assemble and flash firmware onto Sensor Watch, details about all the clocks and complications available in Movement, and detailed documentation on how to make the most of your Temperature + GPIO Sensor Board. I put a lot of love into this website, and there’s more on the way; I hope you all find it useful as you start to make Sensor Watch your own.

除此以外,在sensorwatch.net上还有一个全新的Sensor Watch文档门户网站!在这里,你可以找到详细的说明。在这里,你会找到关于如何组装烧录 Sensor Watch的详细说明,关于“机芯”(Movement)中时钟其他预编译的功能的细节,以及关于如何充分利用温度+GPIO传感器电路板的详细文档。我在这个网站上投入了大量的心血,而且还有更多的东西在准备中;我希望你们在开始制作自己的Sensor Watch时都能用到它。

As ever, thank you so much for your support in this campaign. In a year of unprecedented parts shortages and supply chain drama, I’m proud to say that we’re going to fulfill most backer orders within a month of the initial estimate, and all preorders in time for the holidays. I cannot wait to see what you all do with this hackable, low-power gadget on your wrist.


Won’t be long now!


- Joey 乔伊

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Sensor Watch是 Microchip Get Launched 设计竞赛的一部分!


2022年10月9日:首次翻译,基于Sensor Watch发布于2022年9月27日的第11次项目更新,发布于www.peterguo.net/sensorwatch/updates/11,中英混编方便需要看原文的同学。