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www.peterguo.net 2022年8月1日

Sensor Watch

A hackable ARM Cortex M0+ upgrade for a classic Casio wristwatch

一款可黑改经典卡西欧腕表的 ARM Cortex M0+ 电路板

2022年7月 7日

Green Boards Underway, Battery Experiments, and a Teardown Session Tomorrow!


-- Joey Castillo 乔伊·卡斯蒂略

Hey y’all! Joey here. It’s been a minute, but there’s good news on all fronts: boards being built, battery tests looking good, AND you can tune in tomorrow for a Teardown Session livestream at noon Pacific! We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get to it:


The First 412 Boards


When it came time to produce the final panels for the green Sensor Watch boards, I once again partnered with PCBWay to get them fabricated. I worked with PCBWay previously on the flex PCBs for the temperature sensor, and I was really pleased with the way their engineers worked with me to produce a panel layout that was fit for purpose. This time, once again, I couldn’t be more thrilled with the way the panel turned out.

这次在需要为绿色Sensor Watch电路板生产进行最后一次的拼板制作时,我选择再次与PCBWay合作。我之前曾与PCBWay合作制作温度传感器的柔性电路板,我对他们的工程师与我合作制作拼板布局的方式感到非常满意。这一次,又一次地对拼板的效果,我难掩兴奋。

PCBWay’s engineers helped address all the issues I’ve had with previous panels. The boards are spaced out, allowing the edge-plated button contacts to be placed correctly and fabricated with a nice big copper edge. The tabs are placed on the top, bottom, left and right, where they can be easily broken off without any need for additional sanding. In addition, while the spacing has changed, we worked together to ensure that the orientation remains the same as the blue panels from before. This means that my PCBA partner was able to use the same pick and place program as last time, minimizing risk as we move forward with the full-scale run.


For final PCB assembly, we’re again working with Cyber City Circuits in Augusta, Georgia. Last week, they delivered one panel with the first ten boards fully assembled. After extensive testing over the holiday weekend, I gave them the green light on Tuesday to assemble the remaining 402!

对于PCB的最终组装,我们再次与乔治亚州奥古斯塔的Cyber City Circuits公司合作。上周,他们交付了一块拼板,上面有首批10块完全组装好的电路板。经过周末假期期间的大量测试,我在周二给他们开了绿灯,让他们组装剩下的402块!

Why the odd number? As mentioned in the last update, we have 412 of our 9-pin connectors on hand right now, with the remainder shipping in a few months. As many of these 412 boards as we can get made and tested, we’re going to pack up and send to Mouser, to fulfill as many backers as we can in the near term. And as soon as the connectors come in, CCC will manufacture the rest.


Battery Testing: 240 and 135 Days In


Last November — shortly before our first Teardown livestream — we started a battery test. Loaded the firmware onto a board, assembled a watch with a fresh battery, and started logging the battery voltage over time. The goal was to see if the battery would last a full year, and there’s good news: this watch is still ticking eight months later!


Having said that, the voltage is beginning to sag ever so slightly. Nominal voltage for a coin cell is 3.0 volts, and this coin cell has been right there most of the year. Now at month 8, it’s dipped to 2.93 volts, signaling the beginning of the end. The SAM L22 microcontroller can function down to 1.63 volts, which means we’ve definitely still got some time here. Still, this battery test isn’t the final answer in terms of Sensor Watch battery life.

说到这里,不过电压开始略微下降了。纽扣电池的标称电压是3.0伏,这块纽扣电池已经用了有多半年了。现在到了第8个月,它已经下降到2.93伏,标志着进入结束阶段。SAM L22微控制器可以在1.63伏下运作,这意味着我们肯定还可以使用一些时间。不管如何,目前电池测试还不能算Senswor Watch电池寿命的最终答案。

During the campaign, you may recall an update where I told the story of optimizing the power consumption of Sensor Watch. We cut our power consumption in wake mode by a third, and in sleep mode by half. Those are big, impactful numbers, and it was immediately clear to me that a new battery life test was in order. So I started a second test: flashed the new, more efficient firmware to a board and loaded up a second watch with a fresh battery. That battery’s voltage: 3.06 volts at four and a half months.

在众筹活动期间,你可能记得有一次更新,我讲述了优化Sensor Watch耗电的故事。我们将唤醒模式下的耗电量减少了三分之一,睡眠模式下减少了一半。这些都是比较大的、有较大影响的变化,这使我我立即意识到,需要进行新的电池寿命测试。因此,我开始了第二次测试:将新的、更有效的固件刷到电路板上,并开了一块带有新电池的手表。该电池目前的电压:经过4个半月时间后现为3.06伏。

In this graph, the blue line is a standard test from the manufacturer in which they drain the coin cell through a 30 kΩ load: 97 microamperes (µA) at 2.9 volts. Under these conditions, the battery is dead in about 1,040 hours. The thing is, Sensor Watch doesn’t chew up 97 µA; it’s closer to closer to 9.7 µA. The old, less efficient firmware used a bit more (30 µA in wake, 9.9 µA in sleep), and the new more efficient firmware uses a bit less (11 µA in wake, 6.8 µA in sleep). Regardless, scaling the axis this way gives us a good baseline for plotting our battery tests:

在这张图中,蓝线是制造商的标准测试,他们通过30kΩ的负载来耗尽纽扣电池:97微安(µA),电压为2.9伏。在这些条件下,电池在大约1040小时内就会耗尽。问题是,Sensor Watch并没有消耗97微安;它更接近于9.7微安。旧的、效率较低的固件使用了较大的电流(唤醒时30微安,睡眠时9.9微安),而新的更高效的固件使用了较小的电流(唤醒时11微安,睡眠时6.8微安)。不管怎么说,以这种方式对轴进行缩放,为我们绘制电池测试图提供了一个良好的基准:

In this graph, red is the old firmware, nearing hour 6000. You can see where, in recent weeks, the voltage has started to sag. That’s not going to go back up. It will continue to sag downward in the coming weeks, and my hope is that it stays at operating voltage through hour 8,760: one year. I think it’s possible! But even if it doesn’t, I’m not worried. Why?

在该图中,红色是旧固件时间,接近6000小时。你可以看到,在最近几周,电压已经开始下降。当然这是不可能回升的。在未来几周内,它将继续下降,而我希望它能保持在工作电压,直到8760小时:一年。我认为这是有可能的! 但是,即使它没有,我也不担心。为什么?

I’m not worried because the green line represents the new, more efficient Sensor Watch firmware, which shipped to the Special Edition backers and will ship on the new green boards. Four and a half months in, it’s still sitting pretty at 3.06 volts. That’s great news: the smaller voltage drop shows us that the current consumption is significantly lower, and I have no doubt that it will make it to the one year mark and beyond.

我不担心,因为绿线代表了新的、更高效的Sensor Watch固件,它已运送给特别版的支持者,并将在新的绿色版电路板上发货。四个半月以来,它仍然保持在3.06伏。这是一个好消息:较小的压降表明,电流消耗明显降低,这里我毫不怀疑,它将达到甚至超过一年的时间。

Sensor Watch LIVE: Teardown Session Tomorrow!

Sensor Watch直播:明天的“拆解时间”!

That’s about all I have for the backer update this week, but do join me at noon Pacific tomorrow (3:00 PM EDT, 9:00 CET) for a Teardown Session with Helen Leigh of Crowd Supply! We’re going to show off some of the latest features in the Sensor Watch firmware, talk testing, packing, and shipping, and share some images from the Cyber City Circuits manufacturing facility where even as we stream, Sensor Watch boards will be getting made.

这就是我本周对认购支持者的全部更新,不过还请在明天太平洋时间中午(美国东部时间下午3点,欧洲中部时间9点)与我一起参加Crowd Supply的Helen Leigh主持的的“拆解时间”直播!我们将展示Sensor Watch固件的一些最新功能,讨论测试、包装和运输,并分享一些来自Cyber City Circuits制造车间的一些图片。即便在我们直播的时候,Sensor Watch电路板还在他们车间里组装制造中。

Watch the Livestream! 观看直播

Thanks so much for your support, and I cannot wait to get Sensor Watch boards in your hands!

非常感谢你们的支持,我已经迫不及待地想把Sensor Watch电路板送到你们手中了。

- Joey 乔伊

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2022年8月1日:首次翻译,基于Sensor Watch发布于2022年7月7日的第10次项目更新,发布于www.peterguo.net/sensorwatch/updates/10,中英混编方便需要看原文的同学。